Thursday, July 24, 2008

Your Stories about Jack

I thought there were some wonderful stories told about Jack during his memorial service. Many have told me afterward that they remembered something they would have liked to have said. The intention of this blog is to give those people the opportunity to relate those stories in a venue where they can be shared publicly. Please post your stories, pictures or anything else you would like to share as a comment to this posting and pass the link along to those who might like to contribute.

Thank you,

Jesse Terrell


kevin c said...

I will probably visit this site often and leave many posts. Jack and I spent a lot of time together travelling and as friends in Los Angeles. I miss him terribly. The world is a less colorful place with Jack gone.

kevin c said...

I think it was Jordan who, when he spoke at Jack's wake, said that he couldn't wait for his dad to get home when he had been out traveling on business. I was on many a flight home with Jack after a few days on the road, and he felt the same way. Jack couldn't wait to get home to see his family.

kevin c said...

Almost every day, I see something or hear something that reminds me of Jack or makes me want to call him. I'll see something funny and right away think I should call Jack and tell him about it, get his take on the thing. It never ends.